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/ The X-Philes (2nd Revision) / The X-Philes Number 1 (1995).iso / xphiles / internet / lrninet2.zip

Jump To: Document (24)  |  Text (24)  |  Other (1)

Document (24)
NameFormat# PagesSizeDate
LI_ARCH.PRN HP Printer Command Language 1 3KB 1994-09-14
LI_FNGR.PRN HP Printer Command Language 1 3KB 1994-08-03
LI_FTP.PRN HP Printer Command Language 1 3KB 1994-07-28
LI_FTYPE.PRN HP Printer Command Language 2 4KB 1994-08-07
LI_GOPH.PRN HP Printer Command Language 1 3KB 1994-08-03
LI_H2.PRN HP Printer Command Language 1 2KB 1994-10-05
LI_INET.PRN HP Printer Command Language 1 3KB 1994-07-19
LI_LISTS.PRN HP Printer Command Language 1 3KB 1994-08-28
LI_LOG.PRN HP Printer Command Language 1 2KB 1994-08-04
LI_NEWS.PRN HP Printer Command Language 1 3KB 1994-09-10
LI_PINE.PRN HP Printer Command Language 1 3KB 1994-08-05
LI_RS1.PRN HP Printer Command Language 1 2KB 1994-09-14
LI_RS2.PRN HP Printer Command Language 1 2KB 1994-09-14
LI_RS3.PRN HP Printer Command Language 1 802b 1994-09-14
LI_RS4.PRN HP Printer Command Language 1 933b 1994-09-14
LI_RS5.PRN HP Printer Command Language 1 594b 1994-09-14
LI_RS6.PRN HP Printer Command Language 1 2KB 1994-09-14
LI_TEL.PRN HP Printer Command Language 1 3KB 1994-07-27
LI_UMAIL.PRN HP Printer Command Language 1 3KB 1994-09-05
LI_UNIX.PRN HP Printer Command Language 1 3KB 1994-09-10
LI_VRJG.PRN HP Printer Command Language 1 3KB 1994-07-30
LI_WAIS.PRN HP Printer Command Language 1 3KB 1994-09-04
LI_WEB.PRN HP Printer Command Language 1 3KB 1994-09-07
LI_WHTPG.PRN HP Printer Command Language 1 3KB 1994-08-03

Text (24)
NameFormat# LinesSizeDate
GOPHER1.TXT Text File 171 6KB 1994-03-21
IARCHIE.TXT Text File 151 4KB 1994-09-15
IFINGER.TXT Text File 80 3KB 1994-08-02
IFTP.TXT Text File 100 3KB 1994-07-28
ILOGIN.TXT Text File 83 2KB 1994-09-14
IMAIL.TXT Text File 20 527b 1994-09-04
IMAIL2.TXT Text File 108 4KB 1994-09-05
ITELNET.TXT Text File 85 4KB 1994-07-26
LI_DB.TXT Text File 484 18KB 1994-09-06
LI_EMAIL.TXT Text File 311 12KB 1994-09-21
LI_FTP.TXT Text File 361 15KB 1994-10-05
LI_H2.TXT Text File 110 4KB 1994-09-14
LI_INADR.TXT Text File 11 653b 1994-07-19
LI_INET.TXT Text File 452 13KB 1994-07-19
LI_LOGIN.TXT Text File 452 16KB 1994-08-31
LI_NEWS.TXT Text File 140 6KB 1994-09-09
LI_RSRC.TXT Text File 115 6KB 1994-09-13
LI_TEL.TXT Text File 151 4KB 1994-07-30
LI_UNIX.TXT Text File 171 8KB 1994-10-05
LI_VRJG.TXT Text File 107 4KB 1994-07-30
PINE1.TXT Text File 245 5KB 1994-05-05
README Text File 46 2KB 1995-01-19
WAIS1.TXT Text File 195 8KB 1994-09-08
WEB1.TXT Text File 245 9KB 1994-09-07

Other Files (1)
LI.EXE MS-DOS/Windows Executable 119KB 1994-10-05